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Category: FAQ
Issue: “I can’t see any files…”
FTP-User can login, but can’t see any directory-listing:
aka “Unable to retrieve directory-listing”
aka “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”
aka “Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to FTP.YOURHOST.COM”
this also appears in the Log-Watch for BulletProof FTP Server 2011 as
2012-01-31 13:12:33 – mmc [000005] [] – PASV
2012-01-31 13:12:33 – mmc [000005] [] – 227 Entering Passive Mode (12,13,14,15,156,119)
2012-01-31 13:12:34 – mmc [000005] [] – INFO: user disconnected gracefully. (00:00:01)
REASON: Stateful-Packet-Inspection (SPI) and Passive-Mode:
The first thing to do when setting up BulletProof FTP Server 2011 is to configure it to operate behind your NAT/Firewall (HOWTO).
This is called Passive-Mode (PASV) support and is a must for most installations. However many NAT/Firewalls have a “feature” called Stateful-Packet-Inspection or SPI (INFO) that sniffs the network-traffic for FTP packets and mangles the information in the packets to dynamically open ports on your firewall. Sadly, it almost always fails to correctly change the entire packet. In order to “help” SPI, it’s recommend to change the Static IP Address to the Listening IP address for your machine running BPFTP Server.
In order to better “cooperate” with SPI, it’s recommend that you try changing the Static IP Address under Management -> Settings -> NAT/Firewall to the Listening IP on the left side of the main-screen under Server Info.
FAQ: My License-Code doesn’t work in the Latest Version
When you purchase our software, you are sent a license-code aka registration-code. This license-code is a secret set of letters and numbers which will turn the demo/trial version into the full version. This license-code is tied to the version of the product that was purchased and will only work in the version that purchased.
In other words, if you purchased BulletProof FTP Client 2009, the license-code you are sent will only work in Version 2009 of the product. It will not work in Version 2008 of the product, nor will it work in Version 2010 of the product.
Please Note: All orders come with 1-FREE-YEAR of supports and updates, this includes major updates and often times (depending on the release date of the next version) you’ll get the next full-version with this FREE year of support/updates. So, please search your email for anything from automated@builtbp.com as you may have another license-code.
You have two options….
1) If you do not want to upgrade to the latest version, then please go to our website and click one of the Download links for the product and scroll down to “Older Versions” and find the version that matches the license-code you purchased.
Please Note: Older versions do not have the latest changes needed to run on modern versions of Windows. Nor do they include updates and/or bug-fixes that were achieved in the latest version of the product.
2) You can upgrade to the latest version, which will renew the support and updates and you will be sent a new license-code. In addition, you could be eligible for a discount for being a previous customer. Please check the MEMBERS section of our website or Contact Us with the customer information for your previous order and we’ll locate the order and send you a discount coupon-code.
FAQ: Can I Upgrade and retain all my Users, Groups and Settings?
Yes!! You can certainly upgrade and retain all of the Users, Groups and Settings that you currently have defined in any version of BulletProof FTP Server.
In designing the latest version of BulletProof FTP Server, it has been a paramount concern that upgrades from a previous versions are supported 100% for our previous customers. This includes customers running versions: v2.21, v2.3, v2.3.1.26, v2.4, v2.5, v2010, v2011, any version!
The storage-format for the Users, Groups and Settings is a simple flat-text-file called an INI File. This file format has been around since the earliest days of Windows and we’ve found it to be extremely easy to maintain, edit and backup/restore. The only change over the years has been the location where this file is stored, see below for the location and file-name for these files:
FAQ: Where does BPFTP Server store the Users, Groups and Settings?
NOTE: The original files will not be harmed in anyway and you can even run the previous and current version of the software on the same computer without them conflicting.
Same Computer: Migrating the Users, Groups and Settings from a previous version is very simple and automatically provided when the latest version of BulletProof FTP Server is installed and started for the first time on a machine that currently runs a previous version.

New Computer: If you are creating a new Windows machine to run the latest version of BulletProof FTP Server; and would like to migrate the Users, Groups and Settings from this previous machine, you would simply copy the *.INI files to location that the new Windows machine can access (USB drive, network share, emailed attachment, etc).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: We are running an older version of BulletProof FTP Server. If we upgrade to your latest version, will our configuration/user list/etc. transfer from our old version?
Q: Can I backup the Settings, Users and Groups?
Q: Can BulletProof FTP Server run as a Windows System-Service?
Q: My customers can’t login to BPFTP Server!
Q: My customers can login, but they can’t get a directory-listing!
Q: Do I get a discount for upgrading or renewing my previous order?
Q: I purchased BulletProof FTP Server a few years ago and I lost my key. Can you resend it?
Q: We are running an older version of BulletProof FTP Server. If we upgrade to your latest version, will our configuration/user list/etc. transfer from our old version?
A: YES! Absolutely. Everything is stored in INI files (settings, users, groups, etc), when the current version of the software is installed; it will go out and look for these files in the default locations for previous versions. If anything is found, the program will prompt you and ask if it’s ok to migrate these files to the current version.
FAQ: Can I Upgrade and retail all my Users, Groups and Settings?
Q: Can I backup the Settings, Users and Groups?
A: YES! You just need to make sure the program is not running when you backup the files. For a list of the default storage-locations for these files, please see the URL below:
Q: Can BulletProof FTP Server run as a Windows System-Service?
A: YES! The latest version includes very tight support for running BulletProof FTP Server as a Windows System-Service. Please see this guide:
HOWTO: Windows System-Service
Windows System Service: Logon As Service
Q: My customers can’t login to BPFTP Server!
Q: My customers can login, but they can’t get a directory-listing!
A: The machine is most likely firewalled. This means there’s a physical-device which is acting as a firewall (aka NAT/Firewall/Router/WiFi,etc) and/or Windows Firewall and/or (some other) Internet Security that is protecting the computer.
In order to run BulletProof FTP Server in a secure environment, you *MUST* configure PASSIVE-MODE and open at least two tcp/ip ports to allow full functionality. These two ports are called:
Control-Port (default tcp/ip 21) provides the ability for the ftp-client to login and issue commands
Data-Ports provide a conduit for the ftp-client to connect to the ftp-server for file-transfers, directory-listings, etc
HOWTO: Windows Firewall and BPFTP Server 2011
HOWTO: Setting up NAT/Passive/Firewall Support
FTP Server Firewall Ports and Tester
Q: Do I get a discount for upgrading or renewing my previous order?
A: YES! You can get the discount coupon-code and instructions from our website under the Members section of our website (see below) or you can email us with the customer information used on the previous order and we can send it directly to you.
Please also see:
FAQ: My License-Code doesn’t work in the Latest Version
Q: I purchased BulletProof FTP Server a few years ago and I lost my key. Can you resend it?
A: PERHAPS: First, we need you to send the customer information for the previous order. This will allow us to look it up and see what length of Update/Support Protection with Download Locker was purchased. If it’s within the period you purchased, we can quickly issue a new key and send it to you. If it’s expired, then we can send you a discount coupon-code for renewal.
You can see all of your orders and the Update/Support Protection with Download Locker by logging into the Members section of our website. If the term is expired, you an also get a coupon-code for renewal in this same location. If you are having troubles logging into the Members section of the website, please Contact Us and include your question and customer-information used on the previous order.
FAQ: BulletProof FTP Server 2010 (Common Questions)
In an effort to help answer some common-questions regarding the latest release of BulletProof FTP Server 2010, we’ve started this blog posting and will update it as new questions are addressed.
Q) How do I make sure I have the most recent version?
A) Great question and I’m glad you asked, because we’ve been making some big improvements! The current version of the software is listed on our website and can be found next to the Windows icon. You can compare this version by clicking on the “About” button and looking at the line saying “Engine: 2010.1.99.99”. Upgrading to the latest version, is easy and just involves download/installing the software from this link:
Q) How do I migrate from BulletProof FTP Server v2.x (aka “Classic”) to BulletProof FTP Server 2010?
A) In an effort to minimize impact during upgrades, we’ve maintained compatibility with the previous configuration files. Migrating to the latest version is easy and just requires copying the files from the previous installation-directory to the new installation-directory and renaming the files.
USERS.INI => bpftpserver-users.ini
GROUPS.INI => bpftpserver-groups.ini
FTPSRV.INI => bpftpserver.ini
Q) I’ve purchased BulletProof FTP Server v2.x (aka “Classic”), how do I get BulletProof FTP Server 2010?
A) If your purchase is still with the purchase support-entitlement duration (every order included 1-year for free, with the option to increase it to 2 and 3 years), then check your email and spam-folder for the FREE-UPGRADE. It was sent from automated@builtbp.com and contains the subject of “BulletProof FTP Server 2010 for Home (FREE UPGRADE)” or “BulletProof FTP Server 2010 for Corporate (FREE UPGRADE)”.
If you can’t find it or need it again, this information is in your account at our website under the “Members” section and can be accessed online.
Q) How much is it to upgrade from BulletProof FTP Server v2.x (aka “Classic”) to the latest BulletProof FTP Server 2010?
A) If you have a previous purchase, you can login to the Members section of our website and obtain a coupon-code.
Q) I can’t “Create an Account”, it says “The information you entered did not match any orders in the system…”!
A) This means that the customer-information you entered did not match any orders in the system. Our system only stores the first 5-digits for US Zipcodes. Make sure you have selected the correct Country. If you still have problems, contact us here:
Q) Nobody can login to BulletProof FTP Server 2010 and it worked perfectly in BulletProof FTP Server v2.x (aka “Classic”)!
A) Find out if login attempts are getting through to BulletProof FTP Server 2010 under Console -> View Server Log. If you try to login and “nothing happens” in the Server Log, then you have something which is firewalling the software from connection attempts, please review this HOW-TO:
Q) What’s the difference between the “Corporate and Business” version and the “Home and Non-Profit” version?
A) This is a licensing issue. If the product is to be used in a business-environment with more than 1 employee, then you need to purchase the “Corporate and Business” version. Otherwise, if it’s to be used by just yourself at home or if you are a sole-proprietor, then you can purchase the less-expensive “Home and Non-Profit” version.
Q) Does BulletProof FTP Server 2010 run under Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003/2008?
A) Yes, the System Requirements for the software is listed here:
The only niggle about this is Windows System Service support. Microsoft introduced something called “Session 0 Isolation”, which basically means that system-services can not interact with the desktop. Work around is here until the web-interface has been released: