Create a Login-Message with Recently Uploaded Files

Let’s say you want to create a login-message for a ftp-user, to display the most recently uploaded files. Commonly this is called a “Message-of-the-Day” aka MOTD.

First, you’ll need to setup a directory structure for your BPFTP Server installation. I commonly create a “bin” directory and then go from there. Here is a write-up on setting up directory structures.

Next, you’ll want to create a batch-file with the following lines (save this to your “bin” directory as “event-fileuploaded.cmd”:

@echo off
echo %DATE% %TIME% – File Uploaded [%1] for %2 bytes >> c:\ftp\motd.txt

Thirdly, you’ll need to connect this batch-file to the “OnFileUpload” event under the “Events Manager” in BPFTP Server (Ctrl-E). Scroll down until you see the event, then Check-ON the option “Execute” and put in the following command-line:

c:\ftp\bin\event-fileuploaded.cmd %FILE %FILESIZE

Lastly, you need to edit the user which can see the MOTD in “User Accounts” (Ctrl-U) and click on the ftp-user and then “Links & Messages”, Check-ON the “Show Login Message” and type in “c:\ftp\motd.txt” for the file to display.

That’s it! You can test this by logging into the ftp-server, upload a file and then log-in again to see the MOTD!

FTP Server Firewall Ports and Tester

Using this tool, you can instruct our website to perform a test connection back to your computer running BulletProof FTP Server for Windows.

Starting with Windows XP Service Pack 2, software-based firewalls have become a standard feature to help protect your computer from hackers on the internet.

Going a step further, if your computer is connected to a DSL/Cable modem or Wi-Fi, your computer has been further protected with a more-secure and robust hardware-based firewall. But with this additional protection, comes the need for you to be knowledgable enough to configure these devices to allow BulletProof FTP Server for Windows to be accessible from outside your firewall.

This tool will allow you to test port-forwarding rules setup on your firewall for both the control and data connections and will aid in the determination of your passive (PASV) or port (PORT) mode support.